Career Advice and Direction

My tried and tested process to help you find your direction

My career analysis service gives you detailed information on your personality, aptitudes, values, motivations and interests with a clear understanding of what careers would suit you and why.

You’ll receive your personal report (20 pages approx.) which captures our discussion.

Change your life Mary Andrews

Having reviewed the results from a series of reputable psychometric and aptitude tests, we will meet to discuss your personal situation and assess your career options. The consultation is your time and takes as long as you need.

This analysis is particularly useful for:

  • Teenagers aged 15+ who have no idea what they’re good at or interested in
  • A level and college students who are not sure about next steps. Get a job, if so, doing what? Go to university, and study what? Do an apprenticeship, what in?
  • Graduates who having worked hard to complete their degree now feel lost and overwhelmed
  • Professionals a few years into their careers who feel in a rut
  • Employees unfulfilled with work but who can’t quite put their finger on the problem
  • Those at a crossroads who want a complete career review and change
  • Individuals who want to start their own business and are not sure if they are cut out for self-employment

Is it time to re-assess your career?

Nothing is standard or computer generated, and I will be here to support and encourage you as you move forward.

Talk to me about your career situation then please get in touch.