Career Adviser - Personal Development Coach

Am I in the right career?

Would self-employment suit me?

I’m in an ‘ideal’ job yet I feel miserable.

I want my career to be meaningful but don’t know where to start.

Career Consultancy - Assistance

If you’re looking for a clearer pathway to a fulfilling career, talk to me about my Career Analysis Service where we look at your personality, interests, values and aptitudes to help you find your direction.

While your issue may centre on your career, my Coaching Service focuses on you as a person. Our sessions improve your understanding of the drivers behind your behaviour – what makes you stressed or frustrated and why. And we identify what motivates you and get clarity on your priorities.

Career Coaching - Guidance

I constantly feel out of my depth, out of control, overwhelmed, stressed, uncertain.

I don’t know what I want. I don’t know who I am. I struggle to make decisions.

I feel like I’m always getting it wrong and worry about how I come across.

If any of this sounds familiar, coaching can help. But getting the right coach matters. These articles are designed to help you decide if I’m right for you: